Internet Explorer 4.0 Email Setup using Outlook Express |
Please read the following documentation carefully and completely!
This supplement is for changing or setting up the mail preferences in Internet Explorer 4.0 Outlook Express. If you have a
version of Internet Explorer lower than 3.0, we recommend that you download a more current version. |
1. Bring up your Internet Explorer 4.0 browser.
(You do not have to be logged on to the internet)
2. Click on the Mail Icon (upper right of screen on toolbar).
3. Click on Read Mail.
4. Click on Tools.
5. Click on Accounts.
6. Click Add for new accounts (or highlight existing account and click properties to modify).
The following are for Adding a new account, but the information is relevant for modifications too.
7. Click Mail.
8. Enter your "real" name, or what you like to be called.
9. Click Next.
10. Enter your email address "". All lowercase with no spaces.
11. Click Next.
12. Leave POP3 as your incoming mail server, and enter for both your POP3 and SMTP servers.
13. Click Next.
14. Enter your username as the Pop account name (no "@" or ""), and enter your password (*** will show).
Do NOT enable Log on using Secure Password Authentication (SPA).
15. Click Next
16. Type an identifying name for the account (it can be anything. For example: John’s email account).
17. Click Next
18. Enable "Connect using my phone line"
19. Click Next
20. Enable "use an existing dial-up connection". Your Internet Access provider should be in the window.
21. Click Next
22. Click Finish
Your Internet Explorer Outlook Express email should now be set up for email. You may test your email by sending a message
to your own email address.
NOTE: If you have more than 1 email address, Internet Explorer Outlook Express can be set up for multiple
email accounts. This is an advantage over earlier versions of Internet Mail.
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